How to use skin toner / 6 Benefits of skin toner


How to use skin toner / 6 Benefits of skin toner


Toner is considered one of the most important cosmetics. It is a light liquid that helps to tighten the pores of the skin. It also gives the skin a fresh and soft texture. In addition, it reduces the oily secretions of the skin, especially oily skin. In this article, we will talk about how to use it, its benefits for the skin, and how to choose it appropriately. It is correct and suitable for the skin, in addition to how to make it at home in safe and healthy ways.

How to use skin toner

Step 1

Wash your face well with water and face wash to get rid of the dirt and deposits on it, then dry your face well with a dry towel. 

Step 2

Put a little toner on a clean cotton ball, then massage the face well in circular motions, making sure to wipe the face from the inside out. 

Press well on the temples, and the facial sweeping motion should end at the end of the cheek.

Step 3 

Wipe the chin and neck well with the toner, preferably directly under the chin. 

Step 4 

You should avoid wiping near the eyes, so as not to get the toner inside them.

6 Benefits of toner

  • It closes the skin's pores, which contributes to reducing the appearance of pimples and pimples on it. It also closes the wide pores in the skin and thus reduces annoying oily secretions. 
  • It contains vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin E, thus helping to renew cells in the skin, and also effectively stimulates blood circulation. 
  • It helps adjust the skin's acidity and maintains its balance. 
  • It is used to remove oils and deposits stuck on the skin. 
  • It eliminates wrinkles and fine lines that appear on the skin. 
  • Reduces the appearance of acne on the skin.

How to choose the right toner for skin

  • If you have dry skin, it is best to stay away from toners that contain a percentage of alcohol because it increases dryness. You can use toners that contain moisturizing substances, or use toners that contain the tamale herb, which in turn helps to tighten and moisturize the skin. 
  • If you have oily skin, it is preferable to use a toner that contains refreshing substances. It is also preferable to use a toner that helps balance the acidity of the skin, such as alpha hydroxyzine. 
  • If you have combination or normal skin, it is preferable to use toner according to the weather conditions. That is, if the weather is cold, it is preferable to use a moisturizing toner as it helps reduce skin dryness, but if the weather is hot, it is preferable to use a refreshing toner.

How to make toner at home for skin in 4 steps

Step 1

Put three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water, then massage your skin well with this mixture. It is preferable to use it three times a week. 

Step 2

Put one egg white, a teaspoon of honey, and a teaspoon of lemon juice in a bowl, stir well until the mixture is homogeneous, then massage your skin well and leave it on the face for ten minutes, then wash your face with water. 

Step 3

Put a teaspoon of sandalwood oil, half a teaspoon of lavender oil, in addition to a teaspoon of glycerin in a cup of rose water, stir well, then massage your face with the mixture. 

Step 4

Put two tablespoons of aloe vera gel and a teaspoon of lemon juice in a bowl and stir well, put the mixture on your face for ten minutes, then wash your face with water.

Daily skincare routine 

It is important to know your skin type before determining the steps to care for it. Dry skin needs special care different from oily skin, but regardless of skin type, every woman needs a daily routine to care for her skin, and this routine will help maintain healthy skin. General, and prevention of skin problems such as acne, scars, and dark spots. The daily skincare routine contains four basic steps that are recommended to be followed in the morning and before going to sleep, which is: cleansing and exfoliating the skin using a gentle exfoliant on the skin, then using a serum suitable for the skin, which a regular moisturizer can be used, then sunscreen is applied in the morning, and night cream is used. before sleep.

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